I find that this happens to me quite often now.
I arrive early to things...
I have no reason to be late and I have no one holding my back, making me late.
I like it...I hated being late to events!
Tonight I sit waiting for my friends.
I just hang out and try not to listen in on other conversations, but I can't help myself.
I ease drop into their worlds.
It's reassuring to know that my life isn't that different from others.
I live life simply...with a little sparkle....
I mean...I live life with a bit of fabulousness.
Actually, I just love my life.
I do the things that I love.
I surround myself with people that encourage me and full me with joy.
When I am stressed, I refocus and find my sparkle.
See, it's fabulous!
So fabulous that I arrive early...
I am early to places so that I can rest well knowing that my life is full.
One of the main reasons that I'm early, is that I only plan one thing a day.
That's it. See previous post about this...
But I highly recommend this.
You might miss out on the little things that really make a life full.
Plus, it's the little things that actually make life special.
If I had been in a hurry,
I might not have walked pass the little cafe, that I now must go to soon.
I might have missed out on the two older men sitting at the bar, reminiscing about their childhood.
Oops! I was ease dropping again. Darn it! I just can't help it...people are so fascinating!
I like being the early bird.
She is able to sitting quietly alone and soak in the world around her.
I like that I have time to do that now.
And spend time with people that make me sparkle. :0)
If you need a little dinner and dessert to make your sparkle really shine, try out two of my new favorites!
The Original Dinerant
300 SW 6th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97204
Phone: 503.546.2666
Salt and Straw
I guess the early bird gets her sparkle, dinner, dessert, and a full heart.