As you are spending time with family and friends,
exchanging gifts, please remember that the gifts aren't that important.
Sure, they're nice.
Don't get me wrong, I love gifts!
Especially when they're given with
a big heart and love.
But, gifts don't have to cost much,
in fact my favorite ones don't have much monetary value, but they're priceless to me.
Christmas is more about the little simple things.
Like dressing up Murphy is silly hats.
He LOVES it!
Can't you tell?
Actually, he just loves me, so he puts up with it.
Another simple gift...
The family Christmas tree decorated with ornaments from throughout our lives.
It's a tree filled to the brim with love.
Here are some of my favorites...
My toy horse and a paper bear that I made in grade school.
Everyone's favorite UPS man, my dad...
working late to make sure that your family gets their presents.
My sheep.
Just like Murphy, I adore my sheep.
And every Christmas morning Santa leaves a special gift just for me,
no matter how old I get.
And the best of them all...
Our Ugly Angel.
As a little girl, all I wanted was to have a beautiful angel
at the top of our tree like all of my friends.
I couldn't understand why our angel had to be so darn ugly.
Then I grew up and I saw her beauty.
Through grown-up eyes I saw that we had the best angel of all,
and I ADORE our beautiful family angel.
Now, the simpliest gift of all...a living memory.
A couple days before Winter Break,
a student arrived early to school and stopped my as I walked in the front door.
"Ms. Chambers! I have something for you! A little Christmas gift."
He pulled out of his bag a plate of cookies and a card.
"I tried really hard to make these just like my mom did.
It was kinda hard, but I did my best. I hope you like 'em."
I told him that I'm sure they were perfect and that I will definitely eat one for my snack,
while trying not to cry.
You may think that this is just any plate of cookies, from any kid, but that's not the case.
This is a kid that is just awesome.
Always the first to help me in the classroom.
First to volunteer with anything to do with Fences For Fido...
and pretty much, always smiling and happy.
Just a nice kid.
See his mom died last year.
A difficult loss for anyone, yet alone a child...
but he helps keep her memory going in little ways,
like cookies and a smile.
As you open gifts today,
take a moment to appreciate the people around you and not just the presents.
In the end it's not an object that holds the importance of the day,
it's the people and how they make you feel.
That's what you remember...the feeling you get at the thought of people.
So, take in the love and joy from those who cherish you so
that you can hold those feelings in your heart long after they've gone.
Love, hope, joy, peace, and happiness,
with a side of cookies and a smile...
That's Christmas to me.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Lori and Murphy
Where's Santa?! Where is that dude?!