Happiness...the Pursuit of Sparkle
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" ~Declaration of Independence~
I just finished a great documentary, entitled "Happy."
Intriguing really.
It got me thinking about my happiness.
Or...Do we just need to look at the situation in a different light?
Or change our expectations?
What is happy anyway?
Work? Money? Family? Friends? Nice House? Cars? Fancy vacations?
I guess it's different for everyone...but for me, the things that make me happy are really simple. Always have been. I'm not saying that more of those things wouldn't be nice. But it's not everything to me.
Actually, it's a matter of perspective...
- I have a great job, that gives me sufficient money...
- Friends and family, well, they rock.
- I love my little cottage house...totally happy there. Sure it's little, but heck, I can clean the whole thing in a hour. Boom! Done...and I really don't like cleaning. I'd rather bake. Actually, I clean so that I can bake.
- Car? Eh....I don't really care, though I like my car just fine. It provides me with a great drive and Murphy with enough room to ride in style...head out the window, tongue wagging the the wind....That's pure JOY!
- Ahhh...fancy vacations..."Hello, Darling...Spas, expensive dinners, elite shows, and exclusive resorts..." Well, shoot...I'm not fancy, so there goes that! Now, I'm not going to turn any of that down if it was given to me! But, give me a cool, sunny day on the Oregon coast, a scone with a vanilla latte', and I'm a happy girl.
I face each day as a new challenge. A challenge to keep the elusive "happy" that seems to slip away from some peoples lives. What might cause me joy one day, may not bring me joy the next. Fortunately, I have many things that bring me joy, so I can change my focus numerous times to adjust my sight onto something that helps me gain perspective...insight...happiness...thus, SPARKLE.
Today, like most days, I found my sparkle in something simple.
A pile of leaves and a dog looking for a mole.
Now, I challenge you. I want to know the simple things that make your world happy. Send me a message, post a comment, but I want a sparkle list. It's selfish really...I have a feeling that there might be a day when I need a new view...a new focus to bring my sparkle back.
So...Will you help me? What is your sparkle? Your happy?
For me, it's finding the gratitude. In everything, even the things that well, kind of suck. Because when you can express gratitude for finding cracker crumbs in your carpet, it makes every day so. much. better. If you need a book to read, I highly suggest, "One Thousand Gifts." It was life-changing for me. Love to you, sparkly lady.