I'm lucky.
No, I didn't win the lottery, though that would be amazing.
No, I'm not good at winning things at all.
Through winning is fun, I don't need to win all the time.
Actually, I love watching other people win too.
Actually, I love watching other people win too.
The joy on their faces makes it worth the loss, well, sometimes.
And no, I didn't find a dog named lucky or have ever had a dog named lucky.
But I am lucky.
I don't have everything new...in fact,
I love the treasures that I've found at garage sales and items that were passed on to me.
I don't have a lot of money...but that wasn't a goal in my life. I don't measure my success dollars or the purchases that I have made. I measure my success in the people I am surrounded by.
I like to think that I measured in people.
They are my tape measure of success.
And by all that I can tell, man, I'm a billionaire!
Watch out Oprah...watch out Bill Gates!
I have billions of imaginary dollars in laughter, smiles, hugs, support, and friendship.
I don't need real billions...I'm happy right where I'm at.
See, I'm lucky.
I'm lucky that I have parents and family that cherish me, accept, give me unconditional love and support. My family is a gift. They truly are. Sometimes it's hard to remember this precious gift when they are annoying...especially growing up, but they are. Family sticks, when other things fall away. Family picks you up, even when you can't look at yourself in the mirror. It's unconditional, remember? My family is all that and more...see, I'm so very lucky.
I'm lucky to work in a school that loves. That's it...they love. They love teaching, they love our crazy, zany, middle schoolers, and to learn. But mostly, they love each other. And though we don't always agree, we respect and love other to a compromise. See, how lucky is that?
I'm lucky list could continue for a long time...and eternity really.
Sometimes I think about my luck in feathers on a wing. Strange,I know, but hang in there with me. I don't really find it lucky that these things are in my world...it's a gift and it's love...and it's two. Yes, TWO (or 3 or even 4) very hard working, dedicated, and strong guardian angels. I figure their names are Luck and Lucky. They've been working hard to keep me safe from 36 years now. Sometimes the battles have been tough. They've lost some feathers in their wings, but they win and they keep me safe. They allow people in my life to provide the protection I need in human (& dog) form, while keeping the unforeseen things at bay. Someday I'll thank those guys in person. I figure that by the time I see them, they may be burnt, beat-up, bloody, and have a broken wing (or two), but they'll know that they too are cherished. They're loved.
See, not only have I got Luck, but I've got a Lucky too.
Cheers to 36!
Yes, cheers to 36...and flying pigs. Love ya