I'm not good at waiting,
but I'm going to have to be good at it
for the next week or two.
Crazy, but my Dad may need to be here for 2 weeks.
I was aiming for 1.5 weeks,
but I guess we'll see.
For now, I'm just learning how to wait.
Looking around the waiting room,
most people are just on their phones...
I'm not much better,
because I'm on my computer,
but the main difference between my family and everyone else...
We're talkers...
LOUD talkers.
It always stands out to me
when everyone else is whispering or trying to read.
Not us...
We're talking,
I was just talking with my students about the volume
in which my family expresses all of their feelings.
Apparently we have a lot to say
and it happens to be so important that EVERYONE should hear it too.
Ha! Not really.
I think it has something to do with the fact that we're so use to talking all at once.
In that case, you have to make something important loud
so that other people will pay attention to you.
Yep. It's a talking battlefield.
Here in the waiting room it definitely stands out.
I think it's also because some of my family have trouble with their hearing.
There's also a lot of "huh" and "what" phrase that can be heard around us.
Go figure...we're loud and have to repeat what is being said...Geesh!
Don't you feel bad for the other people in the waiting room?
Yeah, there are moments when I do too.
At least they're not bored...
they can just listen to us talk about everything from
cars to politics to what's on tv or to purchase on QVC and then back to cars again.
Don't you wish you were here too?!
Nah, I wouldn't either,
but I'm so glad that I'm here for Dad.
And I'll wait for as long as it takes for the surgeons to make sure that everything is done well.
They can take as long as they need.
I was tempted to tell the nurse to take special care of him,
but I think he already knew that by my face.
I gave the silent look of,
"Dude, you know that this man means the world to me, right?!
So you better make sure that it all goes well
because my life would not be the same without him!"
Yep, that look.
I didn't have to say anything,
because that look was enough.
And now I'll just keep practicing my waiting skills
and patience.
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