There is something that I don't tell people.
You see, I pride myself on being able to make most things in the kitchen well.
Ingredients are like my friendly dance partners in the kitchen.
We prance around creating magical treats that bring people joy.
And it's really embarrassing.
I feel really stupid and cringe as I write this...
I can't boil an egg.
Don't laugh!!!
It's really frustrating.
How would you like it if every time you
tried to make hard boiled eggs,
they come out all wrong!
Shells won't peel.
Yolk isn't all the way cooked.
It's just a mushy mess.
Stop laughing!
I know!
It's ridiculous and I hang my head in shame.
You see, eggs are my go to comfort food.
I'm eating less meat, but haven't been able to make the Vegan meal stick because of this devotion to the egg.
But hard-boiled eggs have eluded me all these years, until now.
But I have found a cure for affliction.
I can bake and I do it very well.
Thank you Pinterest.
Now, I can hold my head up high
and make a splendid egg salad.
Or Cobb Salad, or Deviled Eggs or ?
Whoop! Whoop!
Now, if you're like me...and I know that there must be some of you out there...hiding.
No need to hang your head anymore.
You can do it!
It's so easy that you're going to cringe
and you don't have to boil a pot!
Here it is...are you ready?!
Perfect Hard Boiled Egg
The BEST way to make hard-boiled eggs is in the OVEN!
(I don't know where this recipe originated, but it's fabulous and definitely not mine.)
2. Place the eggs into a muffin pan, so that they don't move around.
3. Pop in for about 25-30 minutes and remove!
4. Place the eggs in a ice water bath until cooled.
5. Peel.
Now, wasn't that easy? Not scary at all.
Not only are they tastier,
but they also are much easier to peel.
You must try this.'s as easy as boiling an egg!
Ha! That's the biggest lie ever...
Baking is much better.
Trust me and,
enjoy the perfect egg.
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