I'm not sure how I got to be so lucky...
Do you ever wonder about that too?
My students during our class meeting this week,
wanted to share what they were doing for Thanksgiving
and the things that they were thankful for in their lives.
The first share was easy...filled with food, family, and football watching.
The second share was more difficult and definitely understandable
if you knew some of the worlds that they live in.
Some gave silly answers about socks, phones,
and the caramel lollipop in their binder,
while others actually said family or friends.
It's not always easy to see the good in your life
when it isn't really that great to begin with.
I guess I've always been one to look at the bright side.
You're probably shocked by that,
but it's true...I only get "humbug" at certain things,
and in those cases run away.
Seriously, it's best for both of us if I'm alone. (Ha!)
But I'm a glass is half-full kind of gal.
When it got to my spot in the circle to share what I'm thankful for,
it was easy.
I'm so thankful to my people.
Yep, they're mine and they're all around me.
I often look around and see the people that are in my life
and smile big.
They fill me up with all that I need.
Seriously, how did I get so lucky?
When I look around myself
I see;
-faces with the biggest, most loving smiles
-arms ready to embrace you in hugs that make you feel special
-hands that want to help others
-willing hearts that see needs and work to make those needs less
-people of action, not just talk
I hear;
-laughter, unashamed at it's volume and duration
-kind and encouraging words
-whispers of love to animals that drink in every syllable
-instructions to make things better
-decisive decisions that weigh the best interest of others
-knowledgable expertise
I feel;
-belief that things are and will be okay
-endless joy
AND LOVE. So much love.
See, I'm really lucky.
I know it and I'm thankful for it all.
What are you thankful for?
Just look around you, it's there.
And it doesn't have to be big.
Often the best things in the world are in the items
we can own and hold,
it's in the people and how they impact your life.
Wishing you love and peace this Thanksgiving.