Sunday, May 17, 2015

To Protect Them All

At dinner the other night,
my brother asked if there are any charities that focus on getting armor for Police Dogs.
Though I didn't know what it was called,
I knew that there must be one.
Not surprising, there are a few,
but some of them focus on many different aspects of protecting K-9's.
After a little searching.
I found just what I was looking for.
It's not an Oregon Charity,
but they do exactly what my brother was asking about.

And the BEST PART, 
is that there is a Groupon right now,
where $10 can make a huge difference in the lives of Canine Officers.
Groupon is exactly what got me interested in Fences For Fido a couple years ago.
Who knows, maybe this Grassroots Groupon with help others get involved too.
It's difficult to imagine, 
that dogs are put into life threatening situations without any protection...
but it happens every day.
Canine Officiers do amazing work,
and just like their human partners,
they deserve to have their vital life systems protected.

 According to their website, Vested Interest in K9s, Inc.
"Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. is a 501c(3) non-profit whose mission is to provide bullet and stab 
protective vests and other assistance to dogs of Law Enforcement and related agencies 
throughout the country. We exclusively offer a state of the art bullet and stab protective 
vest made in the United States that offers ultimate protection for K9s at an exclusive rate of $1050.   
Each vest has a value between $1795 – $2234 and a warranty of 5 years."

Wow! For only $10 we can make a difference in protecting these amazing dogs.
No matter what you think about different police situations,
all officiers deserve protection.
I've donated.
Will you?!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Tomorrow is Ladies Day!

 That's right,
it's usually called Mother's Day,
but I like to think that it is a day to celebrate woman.

Instead of it just being about Mom's,
it should be just be about being an amazing girl!
We could have a Ladies Day and a Man Day!
Oh wait, Men already have their day/s...
it's any major sporting event.
Ha! Okay, that's not really true,
but the commercials seem to think that dudes 
are the only ones who watch those.
back to Ladies Day!!

Whether a woman is a mom or not
doesn't really matter.
Women influence all around them, 
and together we can raise an army of strong young women.
Women are just awesome,
and should be celebrated for being the nurturing people they are.

I'm not a mom,
but I feel like a play one everyday at work.
Okay, maybe not the mom,
but definitely the feisty aunt.
Who loves fiercely,
pushes you to do better and be better,
but also cares deeply too.
There's a beauty in the balance of those things that women 
bring to situations.
So, let's celebrate it!

Women are amazing!
So make sure that the fabulous ladies in your world 
are celebrated tomorrow.
It really doesn't take much to make someone feel special.
Just a kind word,
or a helpful hand can speak volumes.

And from me to all of the wonderful, beautiful women,
thank you for being strong,
and simply YOU!
You are perfect!
And believe me, I know what this looks like,
I was raised by this type of woman.
She's called Mom
and she's all of this and more.

I work with these women,
my time volunteering is surrounded by these women,
and I'm lucky be friends with strong, brave, gentle, 
thoughtful, and simply amazing women.
And how lucky to learn from them, am I.
Happy Ladies Day!
Especially to my Mom!