Wednesday, March 26, 2014

By the Sea

Murphy and I breathe better along the Oregon Coast.
We just do.
I know that some people dream of a warm beach...
always sunny with water like a bath tub...
I like that too, for a fun vacation spot.
But when I want to relax and just breathe, I head here.
Just look at that sky!  Look!

That day, yes.  
A perfect 60 degrees, and for this gal it was warm.
Don't judge me...Spring has just started and it's been chilly.
So, was warm.
The next day, no.
But that is the beauty of visiting the Oregon Coast!
One day, sunny and warm, 
then the next it's stormy with thunder and a little lightning.
But Murph and I don't dwell on the quick weather changes, we just roll with it.
Because nothing...
and I mean NOTHING,
makes us more happy than paws in the sand.
We play.
He runs like the wind with nothing in his way.
There isn't a care in the world when we're by the sea.
Sometimes I swear he take flight across the sand...zooooooooooom!
Nothing wipes the smile off our faces.
How can you not smile while watching pure joy explode all around you?
You can't! 
When I see this,
it is bliss.
And I breathe better...
by the sea.

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