Thursday, January 16, 2014

Impact: Part One

It’s difficult to know what kind of impact we have on the people around us.
Well, sometimes it’s easy because they react in laughter
or tears or love…
But that’s not the impact I’m thinking about today.
I’m thinking about the lasting impact.
The impact that makes me think of people in my own life
and smile at the memory of their smile
or laughter
or feeling of unconditional love. 
Most of the time it’s not one memory that floods my mind,
but instead it’s an overall feeling that I get at the very mention of their name.
I love that.
So I asked my students who in their life
had a lasting impact in their life...

This is what they wrote.
My dad:  He’s always telling me to follow my dreams and he helps me to do that every step of the way.

Jessica (Cousin): She taught me how to take care of other people especially family...To always look up and never be sad.

My dad: Made me more brave and adventurous.

Grandma C: She taught me that hard work makes you stronger and keeps your healthy.

Papa (Grandpa): He took me everywhere he went and taught me how to be happy all of the time.

My dad: Makes sure I make the right choices instead of bad so I can stay safe.

My dad:  He is my life, and he means the world to me.  My dad has taught me to be happy even if you have a horrible day.  You wake up and choose to be upset, your day is going to be bad.  You have a choice to be happy of mad.

Grandpa Ken:  He has impacted my life for a long time.   By teaching me that no matter what to believe in myself.  And how someone’s bad day can always change with a simple, “How are you?” and a smile.

Ashley (Cousin): I want to be able to be as confident in life as she is.  She has impacted my life by always being there for me.

Debby (Sister): They always show up.  My sister took care of me when my dad was going through problems with my mom.

Great-Grandma Shirley: She is sweet, funny, and happy. My grandma takes care of me when I’m sick and teaches me things.

My mom:  My mom is my #1 person that I talk to and she’ll always be my family.

Mom:  She is always there for people.

My dad (Jason):  He taught me to work hard and never give up, live life to the fullest because one day you won’t be able to.  He has impacted everything I do, I d o it for him.  He’s my inspiration and before this (her dad recently passed) I didn't really have one.

Mom:  She has taught me to be kind and respectful to others and that there is always a bright side to things.

Grandpa Danny:  He is what I want to be…a great cook, strong, smart guy that can do anything.

Uncle Ruben and Aunt Martha:  They have impacted my life because when there are problems going on, they would try to find a better place for us to live. 

Dad: He is always there for me when I need him.  When I think of the word “Dad” I think of my hard-working dad! He has impacted my life because without him I wouldn't believe in myself or have courage.

Ms. Eliot (2nd grade teacher): She told me what subjects I’m good at and how to be a long-distance runner.  She taught me how to find a pace when running a race.

Grandma Linda: My grandmother taught me the meaning of love, how to count, great manners, and even how to sit on a toilet without falling in!  Without my grandma and family, I am nothing, but with then I am EVERYTHING.

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