Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I'm freaking out!

Seriously...I'm going to lose it.
Not only can it not be true,
but I'm questioning the legitimacy of the time tables that we govern the world with!

Breathe Lori, breathe.
Okay, I might be overreacting...
I have been known to do that on occasion,
but this one is really unbelievable.
Seriously, sit down.
That's better.

My oldest niece is turning 16.

I know?!?!
How did that happen?!?
I'm starting to understand old people...
Wait, does that mean I'm old?
Nah...not at all.
But as a kid I really didn't get why adults were always talking
as if time literally was flying by them at supersonic speed.
I remember rolling my eyes(in the dramatic teenage way)
and thinking that they were becoming senile.
I get it now.

As a teen, time inch by.

There were long stretches of endless drudgery...
school, homework, chores, after school job
(shhh...don't tell people but I loved each and every one of those things
...except chores, no one likes those!)
But anyway...
I would think, "Couldn't I just be an adult already?! Then everything would be just what I want!"

Oh man, how I wish for those days...back in the old days before computers...
(See I'm using those old people phrases again.)

But, seriously.
I try to remind teens to not wish their childhood away.
It's so fleeting.
A blink really.
And then what?
You're an adult forever.
And, here's the kicker...
You're expected to be, act, and live AS an adult.
It's a lot of pressure.

Sure, there are bonuses to adulthood,
but at 16 years old, you have so many fun milestones to hit.
 At 36, what is my milestone? 40?
That's not happening!
At least not yet.
It will, but that's okay.
I love seeing my nieces and nephew grow up.
They're becoming amazing people.
My only wish is that time would slowly take them into adulthood
That they will cherish the moments that make them kids.
To use the time to make memories that they will remember fondly.

If that doesn't work,
if I can't make them slow down,
I'll just squish 'em...with love.
And hug them tight.

Happy Birthday Leanna!
You're fabulous in every way.
You'll probably never know how much I love you,
but that's alright.
I love you to the moon and back again.
And above all else...
Seriously, stop growing.
You're getting too tall and I can't purchase much higher heels. :0)
They don't make them that tall.

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