Saturday, April 26, 2014

I'm a Grump.

Most people think that cold and flu season is in the middle of Winter.
And that may be true for some,
but not for me.
My cold season always hits in either April or May.
It happens right when the weather starts getting nicer and changes from icy cold to rainy cold.
I'm not sure which I prefer...
All I really know is that I hate being sick.
I don't do well with a sniffling, runny nose, cough, or fever.
I know, who does?
I get grumpy.

I really don't like to be grumpy.
Grumpy was not the dwarf that I related to while watching Snow White.
I preferred to be Happy...or even Dopey...but never Grumpy.

So to break myself out of the torment that is my Annual Grumpy Cold,
I turn to my Grandma's remedies...
She didn't get to be 103 years old by just luck.
The woman knows a few tricks to keeping her body healthy.
So if you're feeling the cold grump taking over your body too,
I suggest that you take a lesson from Mother Mary's Remedy Book.

1.  Drink...and a lot of it.  Water, orange juice, cranberry juice, 7-up, sparkling water...just avoid milk products.  Milk will increase mucus production and you definitely don't want MORE mucus.

2. Garlic-put it on everything and eat it...a lot of it. Actually, this is her remedy for EVERYTHING, from a torn toenail to curing cancer.  EVERY-THING.

3. Sleep-  I've definitely done my fair-share of sleeping over the last few days.  I feel like a cat, sleeping 19 hours and then awake for 5.  If it works for the kitties, it will work for me.

4. Bronchial Soothe- All natural cough syrup...and it actually works! I felt my cough suppress right away and was able to finally achieve my catlike sleep cycle that is necessary to heal.
5. Mentholatum- Slather it seriously slather it!  Now, here's the trick that will change your life...again...seriously, it will change your life.  Take a glob and spread a layer on the bottom of your feet.  Be generous.  This is not the time to get stingy!  Then, take a pair of wool socks (or your warmest socks) and put them on your feet.  Do this right before you  go to bed.  This will pull the virus, toxins, whatever the illness is, down to your feet and out of your body.  I know that this may sound weird, but it works.  It really works.  With a cold like mine, I've had to do this for several nights, but I can tell a difference in my breathing each morning.  It gets significantly better each day. 

Okay, now you're ready for any cold that comes your way.
Though I really hope that you will not get sick at all.
But if you do, just remember...drink, garlic, sleep, soothe, and slather.
Grandma says so. 
And if you don't, the Grump will find you too.

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