Saturday, April 19, 2014


I watch people.
Not in a weird, sitting in the windowsill watching
and commenting about everything.
I had a college roommate of mine who spent too much time doing that was awkward and unsettling.
And a story for another day.

But people fascinate me.
So I watch them interact with the world.

Recently I found an old journal of mine from when my friend and I traveled around Europe. 
This was a few weeks before heading to school in Spain.
I was homesick, scared, and lost.
Kristi and I spent a lot of time just being lost.
Again, another story, for another day. 

It didn't surprise me at how many pages of the journal were dedicated to the observation of people.
I find the ways in which they choose to move through the world interesting.
How they speak to each other, how they move or touch.
Not touch in a perverted way, but loving and a sign of friendship and caring. 
Women of all ages walked through the city, arms linked, talking through their days.
Old women and men did the same.
Maybe it was to steady each other, but it was comforting to see.

I guess the core of all my observations were connected to caring.
It isn't surprising that I'm drawn to that in the world.
I, myself strive to care.
To make sure that the people around me know that they're loved.
But as a former boyfriend told me,
"Lori, it's okay to let the world take care of it's self. Take a break."
And it's true.  
Caring isn't easy.
Sometimes it can be difficult to find the energy to care for people
that give nothing in return.
There are those that tend to suck every ounce away...a black hole, a vacuum.
I've cut those people out of my personal life, but professionally, well, they're still there.
I work with humans that are egocentric.
They are the axis of their world.
Seemingly unaware of others around them.
It can be painful to watch,
but they're learning about life and themselves.
Ultimately they are still learning about what it means to be part of the world.
My hope is that they will become a positive part of the world around them.
And I remind myself when I see their selfish and uncaring actions,
that they will grow out of the selfishness...
well, hopefully most of them will.
So every weekend I take a break.
I spend the days caring for myself and recharging for the drain of teaching.
Because whether you know it or not, teachers do more than teach. :)
We give more than just knowledge and lessons about academic subjects.
We give a bit of ourselves and a whole bunch of love.
We do this to demonstrate how they should care and love for others.
And we do believe that they will learn that too.

So when you see a teacher,
please remember that we love in a way that others can't...or won't.
And we go back every day trying to do the same thing over and over again.
But, most of all, please show us the same.
Love and compassion.
And give us a break.
Or at least a cookie.  :)

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