Thursday, July 3, 2014

Love and Hate Relationship

 The 4th of July
marks the beginning the best celebration in the world...
my birthday month.
Yes.  I wrote month.
But that's not what this post is about.

The 4th of July is a great celebration of The United States
declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.
So long taxes on tea, playing cards, and sugar!
Hello taxes on...well everything else. Ha!
But the 4th is a great day to celebrate,
I just don't get why we had to do it with loud bangs, pops, and KABOOOOMS!
Yes, the American Revolution had guns involved,
but do we need to replicate that part of the war?
Couldn't we just get together and hug our relatives and friends,
like they're returning from battle?
Couldn't we just cook, eat delicious food together,
and toast our good fortune in life?
I think so.
And so does my dog.

the protector of all,
except from fireworks.
He can't help me there,
because he is hiding in the bathroom, by the tub
waiting for this ungodly attack to STOP.

Actually, many times you can find him on top of me,
trying to gain some sense of safety.
So in that case I guess that I'm really protected...from everything.

Thus, my love and hate relationship with the 4th of July.
Love = July (my month), family, friends, and food.
Hate = All fireworks and the people that started setting them off 3 weeks ago.

So if you are like me, you are armed with all the supplies needed to make this holiday less traumatic for your furry friends. 
Me, I have everything.
Thundershirt?  Check.
Calm-K9? Check.
Anxiety drop for his water? Check.
Loud Movies and/or music? Check.
Sedatives (For me and him)? Check and Check.

Okay, I guess I'm ready.
Bring it on.

I know that there is nothing that I can do about it...
And I do enjoy the 4th,
but it does put a damper on the celebrating
knowing that my boy is at home terrified.
So I celebrate early and then hunker down.
But that's love for ya...sacrifice.
And I do love this dog.
So if you try to reach me for the next couple days,
just know that there is 67 pounds of dog on or around me.
Leave a message, and I get back to you as soon as he lets me get up.

Have a happy & safe 4th of July to all!

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