Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Inspiration: Lights of Hope Auction

I may seem like a confident person...
and I am, mostly.
But up until a year ago, I didn't want to let new people into my life.
Trust issues.
It was a year ago that I first made the decision to change my world.  Due to the craziness that had surrounded me for years, I found that I had become guarded and un-trusting of new people.  It was time to change that and take back my life.  I wanted to be the outgoing, happy, joyful girl that I used to be. (See Unleashing My Inner Wonder Woman)  I was ready to put myself out into the world and let people in.  Trying new things was my first step, that led to much more including volunteering for Fences for Fido.  Since I would be surrounded by new people, all by myself...so that was a HUGE leap for the old guarded me.

 It was the best leap that I took and I'm so thankful to have been brave.

And to think, it all began because of one night of hope.  The inspiration that I found at the Ethiopian Orphan Relief Auction, made it possible.  There I saw beautiful spirits, helping to change the world for children.  I thought that if those children, who had seen things that I can only imagine, can love and trust...so can I.  The people in this organization displayed a beautiful spirit of love and I knew that I wanted to bring joy to those around me.

Original Post:
My Inspiration, My Goal

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." Dalai Lama

Simply stated, but it spoke straight to my heart. This spring, I enjoyed an evening of inspiration and hope at the Ethiopian Orphan Relief, Lights of Hope Auction. Sitting there listening to the stories, of people helping others in small and big ways. I didn't feel sadness, instead, I felt joy and hope. Joy that I am blessed to be surrounded by love, and hope that I could spread that love to those around me.

I have the gift of a summer free from worry, free from obligation, so I thought, "Why not?!" Make a new recipe, can something, create something...bring joy to myself and those I love.

My goal is simple...everyday try something new. I hope that you enjoy my journey of inspiring happiness through my own actions.

I'm so happy to say that I have met so many of the goals that I set for myself and look forward to another year of joy.
What a difference a year makes. 

This Saturday, May 18, 2013 is this years' Lights of Hope Auction.  Though there may not be tickets left (check anyway...you never know) you can still make a difference by donating to this life-changing organization.  Donations can come in many different forms...donations don't have to be in monetary amounts! I donated some art and enlisted some of my dearest friends to donate too.  You never know what people are willing to do until you ask. I'm always in awe of the generosity of people.  Especially my people...I'm so incredibly blessed.

Here's a little more information from their Facebook page.
Ethiopian Orphan Relief, Inc. will host it's 5th annual Lights of Hope Benefit Auction in Portland, Oregon May 18, 2013 5:30pm.. Proceeds from the event will fund our current and future projects in Ethiopia.
General Information:
Founded in 2008, Ethiopian Orphan Relief, Inc. (EOR) is a 501(c)(3) non profit corporation, 100% volunteer that works to improve the living conditions and lives of orphaned and vulnerable children in Ethiopia.

We work in partnership with local Ethiopian organizations to support the emotional and physical needs of these children.

There are an estimated 5 million orphans in Ethiopia and the need for EOR's programs is vast. We are committed to expanding our programs to help as many children as possible.

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