Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Inspiration, My Goal

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." Dalai Lama

Simply stated, but it spoke straight to my heart. This spring, I enjoyed an evening of inspriation and hope at the Ethiopian Orphan Relief Auction. Sitting there listening to the stories, of people helping others in small and big ways. I didn't feel sadness, instead, I felt joy and hope. Joy that I am blessed to be surrounded by love, and hope that I could spread that love to those around me.

I have the gift of a summer free from worry, free from obligation, so I thought, "Why not?!" Make a new recipe, can something, create something...bring joy to myself and those I love.

My goal is simple...everyday try something new. I hope that you enjoy my journey of inspiring happiness through my own actions.



  1. Such a good idea! Can't wait to see what else you're up to! :)

  2. Thanks Lindsay! I had my niece Jorden join in my projects yesterday. You'll be amazed at what she creative!

    1. Yeah for you! You need to take photos of past projects too. :)
