Monday, July 9, 2012

I don't know what I'm doing...

I feel a bit nutty even doing this!
Can you guess that my new project?'s to create a blog! I felt a bit strange posting my projects to Facebook, like I was bragging about my creations. So, I'll just brag here instead. :0P Hehe...kidding...There will be plenty of lamenting as well.

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." Dalai Lama
Simply stated, but it spoke straight to my heart. This spring, I enjoyed an evening of inspriation and hope at the Ethiopian Orphan Relief Auction. Sitting there listening to the stories, of people helping others in small and big ways. I didn't feel sadness, instead, I felt joy and hope. Joy that I am blessed to be surrounded by love, and hope that I could spread that love to those around me.
I have the gift of a summer free from worry, free from obligation, so I thought, "Why not?!" Make a new recipe, can something, create something...bring joy to myself and those I love.
My goal is simple...everyday try something new. I hope that you enjoy my journey of inspiring happiness through my own actions.
Yesterday I had a very special helper, my niece, staying at my house.  We were SO BUSY creating, that I didn't have time to post, but I will update with all of the things we tried yesterday.  I love crafty girls and she is definitely one of the crafty girls!

Until then, let me introduce you to my furry partner in crime...Murphy.

Isn't he the cutest?!  I'm bias, but hey, he's my sidekick in life and keeps me laughing everyday with his goofy antics.

Until later...


  1. So excited to be inspired by your craftiness. I have an awesome book on making toys out of cat hair if you run out of ideas...maybe Murphy sheds?


    1. Haha! Does Murphy shed?! He sheds like crazy! That sounds like a great thing to try...I'm actually going to "Furminate" him this week. I will have plenty of fur to use.
