Monday, August 19, 2013

3 am


I'm not sure what it is about 3 am...
I wake up (like I am now) and I mean...I'm awake.
Really awake.
I'm still really tired but my mind is churning.
Nothing is off limits at this time of the day.
I think about past regrets, dreams of the future, goals, laundry to be done, projects to be completed, recipes to be made, and whether I have to pee. All in the first few minutes.
3am, you baffle me.
But, I'm not going to lie.
I used to hate looking at the clock and seeing that crazy hour,
especially during the school year.
I have to wake up so early anyway, that 3am is a tease.
I have just enough time to fall back asleep, but not really get good rest.
And that's only if I immediately go back to sleep!
That's not happening now.  No sleep...not yet. 
But today, 3 am is beautiful. 
Many times, especially when I have to pee,
I think that Murphy must too. 
So we head outside to stroll.
Up and down our little street, soaking in the morning smells.
Nothing is more hopeful than taking a walk at 3am. 
Nothing has happened yet, but all of the possibilities are there.
Even my crazy, hopeful dreams of the future are possible.
I love that.
So, we stroll.
And Murph sniffs.
We pause and I look at the sky...have you seen it at 3?
Man, it's beautiful...especially today. 
Maybe it's my new vision?
Nah, I do this often.
I love staring at a dawn waking up.
Again, there's so much hope in that rise.
As we stroll, I know that strolling,
at some point has to end.
And it does, usually when I see my neighbor
leave for his early shift,
Then it's time to head back in.
But I try, for as long as I can to hold the possibilities
of the day in my hand. 
Not too tight...dreams have to breathe.
But my dreams are within reach.
Thanks for the reminder 3am...
I needed that.


  1. Lori, you are an amazing woman!! I am in awe of you! Bev A.

  2. Bev! You're too sweet, but I love it! :)Seeing your name is like a big hug <3 Love you! Lori
