Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Goodbye Blurry World

Once upon a time there was a little girl
who saw the world a little bit different than others.
Where others saw a great big open field,
she saw a great big blur of green.
When others saw the movie screen crystal clear and vibrant,
she saw fuzzy images of what she hoped were movie stars.
You see, she couldn't see clearly.  
The world was a blur of colors and shapes.
Now this little girl didn't want to make a big deal about it,
so she got really good at guessing the blurs and filling in the shapes.
She wanted to live a blurry life.
Well, not really.
But this little girl had just started at a new school...middle school...
and she didn't want glasses.
She so guessed her way through the world,
crossing her fingers that the blurs would magically become clear.
That didn't happen, and her teacher told her parents about the concern she had for the little girls eyesight and "poof!"
Big glasses.
It was the late 80's...everything was big.
Big hair...big shoulder pads, and big glasses.

Fast forward a couple years and the teenage girl started to wear contacts.
But somewhere deep in her heart she still wished for a miracle.
The miracle of waking up and being able to see the alarm clock.
The miracle of swimming AND putting her head under the water.
See, these normal, everyday things were amazing to her,
because she hadn't experienced them.
But she hoped.

Fast forward many...many...many years.
She had heard of this "miracle" treatment,
but sadly, it freaked her out.
She was scared.
And really, glasses had come along way in style.
In fact she actually thought they were cute
and wore them most of the time.
 But still...she wondered,
"What would a world of crystal clear images be like?"
So she choked back her fears and scheduled an appointment,
but she was still scared.
She had heard only positive things from this miracle treatment,
but they were talking about her eyes. HER EYES!
Still, she wondered...
Could she overcome her fear for a future of better vision?
Maybe...maybe...just maybe.

So now, the day is fast approaching,
and even though she still feels fear, it is masked in hope.
The hope is driven from wanting to see the world as others do...crisp and clear.
And mostly, she wants to swim AND see.
Simply things, but they're not so simply to her.

So cross your fingers and say a little prayer for her on Thursday.
She will be facing her fears and meeting the big bad laser.'s not big or bad, but it seems scary.
She's ready.
Ready for a different view of the world.
Hopefully one without a seeing eye dog.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you! I know quite a few people who have gone through the procedure and love their "new" eyes! You'll do great! Ill pray for your nerves to be calm and the knowledge and steady hands of your Dr.
