Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Independence Day

I know...that was last month.
But sometimes I go places and have experiences 
that need to sit and marinate until I'm able to do something.
That was Independence Day for me.

Sure, it's all about Bar-b-ques, family, friends, 
and loud obnoxious fireworks that terrify my dog...well that was last year. 
Now, Independence Day is about 5 dogs and their freedom.
It's amazing what a fence, a simple fence, can do for dogs.
Instead of small, cramped spaces, that caused fights and harsh feelings in the pack,
they had dust flying under their feet.
When I see dogs living in small kennels,
I am reminded of road trips with my brother.
Not. Good.
And yes, at times there were tears and was necessary. 
Sometimes (all the time) cramped spaces brought out the worst in us. 
We would try...actually try to do whatever it took to push the other one over the edge.
It was a game.
And the winner? Well, it depended on the day. 
But the tears, oh yeah, they were generally mine. 
Brought on by either being "picked on" or out of guilt from retaliation. 
I always felt guilty...always.
Like Catholic guilt.
But not enough guilt to avoid it the next time.
See, these are the memories that spring to mind when I see dog kennelled or chained...
Me, my brother, and one backseat...nothin' but trouble.

This time, that memory was spurred on by meeting five pitties around the 4th of July.
I only snuggled a couple of the dogs, but they,
like each dog I meet on a fence build,
hold a little piece of my heart.
And watching them run and play, well, that was pure joy.
Pictures are powerful.
The images captured in a moment,
can speak louder than anything actually spoken.
What will images say today?
Volunteering to change the lives of dogs, overflows our hearts with joy.

 Creating Friendships...on two and four legs.
And we love to soak it all in!
Who won't drink in this affection?!

TRUST: I'm always struck by this the most.  No matter what our fidos have been through or how little they have interacted with humans, they trust.  Sometimes it takes a little time, but just like I have seen the beauty inside the heart of each volunteer, the dogs must see it too.  They trust us to care and love them...even for just one day.

All volunteers enjoyed snuggling and loving on the dogs one final time before their release.
We knew that once they could run, they would RUN!
Can't you feel his soul in those eyes?

And then, they were off!
Ah, sweet, sweet freedom!
Those dogs definitely knew the beauty of freedom and
will enjoy every inch of it for the rest of their lives.
Now this was the perfect way to celebrate an Independence Day.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Vegan Blackberry Coconut Crumble Bars

The "V" word gets different reactions from people.
For some...I'm not sure what they think that it's going to taste like, but by their facial expressions it must be bad.
Really bad.
I get that. 
I've tried many different vegan desserts with varying degrees of enjoyment.
But for others, their faces light up, knowing that soon they will have a treat.
And I hope that when they see that the treat was made by me,
they know that not only will it be vegan, but it will also be delicious.
See that is my goal...deliciousness for everyone.
No matter what dietary needs you have, everyone needs to enjoy a treat!
I mean, really.  If everyone can't enjoy, how much of a treat is it? 
Not much of one in my book.
So that has brought me here.
I'm adapting recipes into vegan treats.
My goal is to take my tried and true, delicious recipes
and make them into vegan desserts that are just as good...or even better!
Now doesn't that sounds delish?
Yep, I thought so.

Vegan Blackberry Coconut Crumble Bars
Recipe from Yummy Mummy Kitchen
1/2 cup sugar plus 1 tablespoon
1.5 cups flour (you can substitute gluten free)
1 cup quick oats
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup coconut
1 cup virgin coconut oil, solid (NOT melted)
12 oz blackberries (about 2.5 cups)
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Lightly coat a 8" square inch baking dish with cooking spray.
Line the bottom with parchment paper and flour.

1. Stir together 1/2 cup sugar, flour/oats, baking powder, and coconut.
2.  Stir in coconut oil. Press half of dough into pan.
3.  In another bowl toss berries with remaining tablespoon sugar and lemon juice.

4.  Pour over dough.

5.  Crumble remaining dough over top.
6.  Bake for 40 minutes until top is golden brown.

7. Let cool, slice, and share with those that you adore.

These little beauties will make anyone swoon with bliss.
Even those die-hard "Ewww, it's vegan!" folks will be wanting another one. 
The recipe may be vegan, but there is nothing that will make you wish had animal products.
Each bar is a bite of summer love to enjoy.
Now don't you want to try one?
Yeah,I knew it!
I can convert even the really scrunched up faces of non-vegan eating folks.
Enjoy :)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Goodbye Summer. sigh.

So long.
Hasta la vista.
I don't do well with goodbyes.
Never have, never will.
I have no enthusiasm for goodbyes.
When I have people or things in my life,
I like them to be around forever.
I like to think of myself as a cheery barnacle.
Not the kind of barnacle that you want to knock off with a stick (I hope...),
but the kind of barnacle that is a cohesive unit...
mutually beneficial.
I provide you with joy, treats, a couple giggles and a bit of sparkle and you can just be you.
Nothing is needed in return, because I have decided to trust you...
let you into my guarded world.
That's enough.
See that crusty barnacle with a little glitter, that's me.

Hi there.
But I'm a realist.
I know that things can't last forever in this life...even those that I love.
But I'm also a dreamer and hopeful for a future filled with joy.
When I lose a beloved person or animal,
I find comfort in thinking about them romping around heaven
waiting for me to arrive someday. 
My heaven has a beautiful farm
where my horses graze in the prime of their life,
and my dogs splash and run too.
Beautiful picture, right?

But some goodbyes come more frequently.
Though it may seem insignificant, saying goodbye to summer has it's difficulties.
If you're rolling your eyes at a teacher moaning and whining about having to go back to work, well, that's not going to stop me. 
It's difficult.
See, teachers live in a different world 9 months out of the world.
From the moment we arrive, to the time we get in our cars at the end of the day, someone needs something from us. 
every. moment.
every. day.
Most people at work don't have people talking to them as they're racing to the bathroom...
sometimes to the point that they continue to talk through the bathroom door.
At most jobs you don't have 36 people talking and asking you questions at the same time...
every. day.
all. day.
Now I'm not saying that summer isn't a fantastic perk,
but really it's an essential break that helps us face the intensity that our job requires.
We're on...all. the. time.

So when summer comes to an end, I mourn.
I wave goodbye to silence.
I say, "Arrivederci!" to finishing a cup of coffee while still hot
...or even warm...or at all.
Goodbye conversations that happen with one person at a time.
So long late night walks and 3 am strolls.
And "Au revoir" to being able to go to the bathroom any time that I want.
Sigh.  That one is difficult.
Goodbye Summer.
See you in a year.
I miss you already.