I'm not sure why I keep doing it?!
The world seems obsessed with the supernatural,
and I seem to go right along with them.
Here I am watching another vampire movie.
No, not Twilight...though I've seen those...
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter.
No, seriously...I am watching it right now.
I'm not sure why.
Sadly, or not so sadly, I like it.
Why you ask?
I have no idea at all.
I feel like I should be over these sort of movies and TV shows,
but I keep getting drawn back into them!
Vampire Dairies? Yep.
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer? Love Buffy.
True Blood? Yeah.
Being Human? Of course! That has ghosts too!
Lost Girl? Oh, you don't know that one? I've seen it and it's fab too.
Supernatural? Duh, that has everything imaginable!
Plus, look at the main actors? Seriously cute.
Except I can only watch them during the day,
and I spread out the watching over years.
Plus, I have Murphy.
I figure, one of the main things that the people
in these shows don't have is a Murphy dog.
He notices everything and there is NO WAY
that he would let a stranger near me,
let alone a weird creature!
Yeah, I feel safe.
I like that Abe goes around the USA not only freeing slaves and writing new laws,
but he's also saving the country from bloodsucking monsters.
Dude, I knew you rocked, but seriously.
This brings you to a whole new level of cool.
Now I'm just waiting for the next one...about zombies.
I know...I know.
But remember, I have my zombie plan worked out...
I can't believe they left that important info out on Killing Lincoln!