Monday, August 27, 2012

Superheroes Unite

I have so many things that I'm thankful for....
I have the BEST FAMILY EVER. Enough said.  Really, they're the best.

My friends, well, they fit in the family category...BEST EVER.

Murphy...he might be picky, but he's a funny, funny dog and keeps my life full everyday.

I love my it.  I work with the most amazing group of people ever created. They love each other and love their job as much as I do. Plus, there's never a dull moment working with teenagers, and we're just weird enough to handle it with humor.'s about that time to start thinking about the Fall and the start of school... 
Summer, for us teachers is coming to an end.  I know, I know...we're lucky, but really this time is needed to go back and give all that you need to...every day.  If you don't work in a school, then you really don't know what it's like. 

People can say whatever negative things that they want about teachers...they have that right.  People have lost their lives defending that go for it, if it will make you feel better, but for me...teachers are superheroes. 

Teacher Superhero Powers.

10. Supersonic Hearing:  We can hear everything.  Our rooms are designed as a box.  This box does amazing things.  It can bounce sounds off of the surfaces and throw them around.  Plus, when you whisper...that just makes our hearing stronger. 

9. 360-degree Vision:  We can see everything.  Yes, we have eyes in the back of our heads.  We know what you're going to do before you do it. Yep.  And it has nothing to do with the fact that we've seen it a thousand times, by a thousand different students. Nope, that's not it.  It's a superpower.  We're like a fly on the wall... an awesome fly.

8. Camouflage through Stealth Tactics:  I use this one all the time. As a fun-sized person, I can blend into a crowd easily.  They don't even know that I'm there.  When a student thinks that they're doing something sneaky...Boom!  I'm there.

7. Enhanced Lung Capacity:  We can talk.  We can talk all day long.  And we can do this everyday of the school week.  Everyday, all day long.  Yeah...enough said.  For now.

6. Voice Projection:  Do you need 300 teenagers quiet all at once?  No problem.  We do that everyday.  Our voices can carry across a room and can stop EVERYONE in their tracks.  Now you try seriously.  You try it and then we'll talk.

5. Eidetic Memory/ Enhanced Memory:  Defined as "The incredible power in which one remembers absolutely everything." Ever wonder how your Kindergarten teacher remembered your name and the time that you ate all of those crayons?  Yeah, teachers have incredible memories and remember everything. 

4. Intuitive Aptitude:  In case you don't know what this is (you must not be a teacher), here is the definition. "The power to instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, and even powers without the need of long-term or special education."  Yep, we're smart.  Really smart, and we're not afraid to use it.

3. Quick Wit: Who can tell a fact, a joke, and ask a question in one breath?  Teachers can.  And it will totally make sense to the class.  Have you ever tried to teach a group of 35 teens something?  Can you keep their attention?  Yeah, well, we can!  (High-Fives all around the schools.)

2.  Iron Bladders:  You may not think of this as a super power, but it is.  Mortals without this power know the weakness that they feel when they really, REALLY have to go.  Teachers, well, we can hold it.  We can hold it so long that we forget that we have to go. 

1. Defuse Bombs:  This is one of the most important abilities for a teacher.  We can defuse volatile situations quickly.  Superheroes have people that don't like them...but teacher superheroes can defuse the "Bomb" with an understanding look, listening ears, and a calm voice.  Even the most angry person or emotional teen is no match for these SUPERHEROES.
Who's your superhero teacher? 
You should tell them...write them a note. 
Kind words are our superpower fuel.

I feel fortunate that I have a summer to help refuel
and recharge me for the challenges that lie ahead.

With my other superheroes beside me, there is nothing that we can't handle...

If needed, we'll add coffee...which is our second fuel.

I'm going to definitely need an espresso...a double.

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